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Fotografie w stylu: Co tu się odwaliło? – Kobieta prompter

30 088  
141   67  
Ja się tylko zastanawiam, kiedy skończy się kreatywność ludzka w odwalaniu głupot. Oby nigdy.

Pod roboczym ubraniem kryje się niecodzienna uroda

36 627  
217   22  
Na co dzień mam trochę podobnie jak pies sąsiada, który szczeka na każdego mundurowego – no nie lubię ludzi w mundurach. Ale myślę, że dla tych pań byłby w stanie zrobić wyjątek i... też za nimi pogonić, ale niekoniecznie szczekając.

Średniowieczne ryciny z pewnymi zaskakującymi zmianami

15 947  
27   8  
Javi Lopez na X użył modelu sztucznej inteligencji DALE-E 3 do wprowadzenia do średniowiecznych obrazów akcentów współczesnej technologii. Efektem jest zestaw abstrakcyjnych grafik, przy oglądaniu których człowiek ze zdziwieniem drapie się po głowie.
Postęp możliwości generatorów obrazu jest ogromny, porównując choćby do tego, jak wyglądały stworzone przez nie grafiki jeszcze rok temu. Chcąc samemu pobawić się w tworzenie takich grafik, można to zrobić w kilku miejscach w sieci – na Chat GPT Plus należy aktywować funkcjonalności Beta lub wejść do generatora Bing Create i wykazać się cierpliwością, ponieważ serwis cieszy się dużą popularnością.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing inspired by the art of medieval manuscripts, where a monk, engrossed in typing on a laptop, sits in the quiet cloister of a monastery. The surroundings are tranquil, with birds and flowers depicted in a flat and stylized manner, harking back to ancient art.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing capturing the essence of medieval manuscripts, where a princess, engrossed in texting on her modern smartphone, stands on a balcony overlooking her kingdom. The scenery is enchanting, with dragons and clouds represented in a distinct and stylized manner.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing in the style of medieval manuscripts, showing a knight, engrossed in taking a selfie with his armor shining, against a backdrop of a serene castle courtyard. The scene is peaceful, with fountains and peacocks represented in a flat and emblematic style.


Zapytanie do AI: Medieval manuscript-styled illustration presenting a sorcerer, engrossed in adjusting a satellite dish, on the roof of his tower. The landscape is mystical, with stars and constellations depicted in a flat and stylized manner, reminiscent of archaic manuscripts.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing evoking the style of ancient manuscripts, where a medieval bard rocks out with an electric guitar on a balcony of a majestic fortress, surrounded by dancing townsfolk, represented in a manner reminiscent of medieval artistry.


Zapytanie do AI: Artwork echoing the essence of olden manuscripts, showcasing folks engrossed in their Starbucks conversations, amidst a tranquil cafe setting with flat and stylized tapestries, emphasizing the features of medieval craftsmanship.


Zapytanie do AI: Artwork echoing the essence of olden manuscripts, showcasing a Spanish queen in her majestic attire, taking a moment to snap a selfie, all depicted in a flat and stylized manner typical of historical art.


Zapytanie do AI: Artwork echoing the essence of olden manuscripts, showcasing clerics in prayerful admiration of a Mac computer, amidst a peaceful cloister with flat and stylized vegetation, emphasizing the features of historical art.




Zapytanie do AI: Medieval manuscript-styled illustration showing a larger man in a quaint village inn, engrossed in a virtual reality game with a headset, as villagers look on with intrigue.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing inspired by the art of medieval manuscripts, where a warrior, with his sword resting by his side, is engrossed in his mobile phone. The atmosphere is peaceful, with horses and trees represented in a flat and stylized manner.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing inspired by the art of medieval manuscripts, portraying a larger man in a serene countryside setting, engrossed in watching Netflix on an old-style device.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing inspired by the art of medieval manuscripts, where a woman, engrossed in experiencing a virtual world with her VR glasses, stands in a peaceful setting. The atmosphere is serene, with horses and trees represented in a flat and stylized manner, reminiscent of ancient manuscripts.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing evoking the style of ancient manuscripts, with plump folks indulging in McDonald's food, seated in a peaceful, stylized setting with ornate windows, represented in a manner reminiscent of medieval artistry.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing in the manner of medieval manuscripts, with a car bearing the Tesla emblem, presented in a very flat and abstract style, surrounded by a basic representation of a castle, using traditional manuscript color palettes and patterns.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing inspired by the art of medieval manuscripts, where a person, engrossed in listening to music with headphones, rides a skateboard in a peaceful setting. The atmosphere is serene, with horses and trees represented in a flat and stylized manner, reminiscent of ancient manuscripts.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing inspired by the art of medieval manuscripts, where a woman, engrossed in drinking a Coca-Cola, sits in a peaceful setting near an old TV. The atmosphere is serene, with horses and trees represented in a flat and stylized manner, reminiscent of ancient manuscripts.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing inspired by the art of medieval manuscripts, where a boy, engrossed in playing the NES, sits in a peaceful setting. The atmosphere is serene, with horses and trees represented in a flat and stylized manner, reminiscent of ancient manuscripts.



Zapytanie do AI: Illustration reminiscent of historical manuscripts, capturing a scene where a comically off-kilter medieval lion is deeply involved in a PS4 gaming session, with knights and villagers gathering around, cheering and offering unsolicited gaming advice.


Zapytanie do AI: Drawing inspired by the art of medieval manuscripts, where a warrior, with his sword resting by his side, is engrossed in his mobile phone. The atmosphere is peaceful, with horses and trees represented in a flat and stylized manner.


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